We are very happy to today release the eight developer blog. This time, we present the basics of the campaign game mode.
By using an early beta version, we show some scenes of the first mission of the America campaign:
While two historical campaigns each consisting of seven missions are included in Transport Fever, we also wanted to emphasize that thanks to modding and Steam Workshop, additional campaigns or challenges can be created and shared by players.
We wanted to take the opportunity to address the current most frequent question, which is about the release date. The release of Transport Fever is still scheduled for this fall; the specific release date will be announced on this website in two weeks (October 12). This is also the date when we for the first time show Transport Fever game-play.
As always, the whole Urban Games team says thanks for your interest and looks forward to receive feedback and comments.
We did not only get a first glimpse on the campaign mode, but if I’m correct, also a first glimpse on the game interface, which looks great! Like everything else: a lot better than in Train Fever. Good Job!
Klingt ja Spannend.
Woher kennt man den Synchronsprecher eigentlich?
ist das nicht der Synchronsprecher aus dem Legoland-Spiel von früher?
1. Ich finde die Stimme von Tom super 😀
2. Das Interface sieht viel Strukturierter aus. Die Button auf der gefärbten Leiste sind deutlicher wie ich finde
3. Ich finde die Idee einer Kampagne schon super, aber auch hier die Mod-Möglichkeit anzubieten hebt wirklich den Wiederspielswert.
4. Das es Synchronisiert wird finde ich fantastisch. Nur einen Text eingeblendet zu kriegen ist immer etwas lieblos, aber so gibt es direkt viel mehr Atmosphäre.
5. Mein großes Kompliment an euch als Entwickler. Ihr macht alles richtig mit dem Spiel. Ich freue mich schon sehr darauf einen Release zu erfahren und Gameplay zu sehen. Weiter so
@L.Klose mir kommt die stimma aus tropico ziemlich bekannt vor 🙂
Sehr Schön, ich habe Train Fever sehr gemocht aber Transport Fever werde ich lieben. WiSims mit Transport sind ja in der heutigen Zeit sehr rar, und ihr bastelt dann gleich an so einer Perle. Freu mich schon wenn das Spiel fertig ist. Macht weiter so und bleibt eurer hohen Qualität treu 🙂 LG aus Osnabrück / DE
do you have any estimate then the game is going to be released? plase take your time developing it, i rather waint a little extra and get a game that its mostly bugfree then haveing the game rushed and geting a gilchy pice of shit to a game like the majority of games are today at lanuch
User interface looks modern, sleek. Much better than previous one. Are those two icons on the top of a screen a notification system ? That feature was really needed !!!
Well, althou voiceover sounds like a good idea that over-acting american wanna-be bussinesmen voice is annoying. Is it possible to switch voiceover off in the menu ? Thanks a lot.
Wow! Thanks for this information!
The narrator is so…so American maybe. Well. His voice and manner of speech are unusual.
I have one desire. I’d like to have some music tracks related to mid 19 century USA and railroad – some blues, some harps (harmonicas). I really love harp.
Das klingt einfach nur Richtig richtig gut.
Und es sieht einfach nur mega geil aus. Ich kann es nur noch kaum abwarten bis das spiel erscheind 😀
I want this now so I can play it for many hours
Will there be Steam Achievements in the final game? Yes or No. This has been asked many times, but never an answer from the devs!
I think the voice over is from the saloonowner in the HBO series Deadwood, Al Swearengen, played by Ian McShane.
Only one of the many great roles he played. McShane is well known for his fabulous voice skills which he used in various animation films.
Wow. I’m impressed. What is with a campaign to the Gotthard base tunnel?
I love you guys but why do you insist on having European-style railroad crossing signs in the American scenario? That’s not what American crossbucks looked like. Would love to see American style signs and signals such as old fashioned wigwags and modern overhead gantry flasher signals with long double crossing gates.
Totally! I agree, being Canadian all the Euro stuff looks a little odd in American cities. Also, I hope this translates into the stations as well, as local North American Train Stations are very different in appearance from those in Europe.
I get the feeling that you are from India (the Country), and feel a bit insulted because of the (nowadays mostly outdated) term that Christopher Columbus and other explorers originally used for Native Americans. I had no that idea that people in India felt that way. Or could it be that some people in India need to brush up on global history lessons a bit?
I was at first a little baffled by this term too, but then I thought, it is historically accurate. Nowadays the term ‘Indians’ for the Native Americans is not commonly used anymore, and as I understand, it may be considered a bit of an insult, so the term ‘Native Americans’ is nowadays commonly used instead. But in the time period of this particular campaign, they were indeed called ‘Indians’, and they also weren’t appreciated too much. So although the term is now outdated and may be considered rude, it might have been strange to use ‘Native Americans’ in this campaign instead. A solution might have been to skip issues involving the Indians alltogether, but that would also not have been historically accurate. Especially the building of the transcontinental and other railroads caused many battles and even wars between ‘Indians’ and ‘Americans’ (European Immigrants).
But from what I can deduct from all the information so far, part of this campaign might be making a decision to either lay track across the Indian territory, (which might trigger delays or other problems, reflecting the battles in real history), or treat the Indians with respect, bypassing their territory (which will prpbably be expensive and time consuming, but may produce some benefits in the future). We’ll have to wait until release to see how things play out in this campaign.
Edit: Posted my reply to the wrong comment. Sorry for that!
Please clarify your intentions on use of language such as “savage Indians” and “damned Indians.” While I understand that it is choice language of the period, historical accuracy isn’t truly vital if it includes racial insults such as calling aboriginals “savage.” I’m happy to see that the topic of Natives in a historical campaign is present, but addressing the topic with racial prejudice is unacceptable, especially in Canada.
I tend to disagree with you. Historical accuracy of language is very important in cases of racial suppressions, be it the native americans or Jews during the third reich. The language resembles the mindset at the time and bringing it up again is helping to not forget what a group of supremacies has done to millions. I know that a lot of people will be triggered especially nowadays, but in this case here political correctness doesn’t help; it is even harmful. The moment we forget the mindset (this mind set being prejudice in almost every case) of a dark age of human history, we will be doomed to repeat it.
Yes, but you are playing as yourself. You aren’t playing as a racist genocidal person from the 1800s. It needs to be at least made clear that you have to combat that viewpoint rather than have it presented like you should have a choice whether you just plough the “indians” off their rightful land.
This also isn’t a game about historical oppression. It’s a game about railroads. People aren’t playing this to get an in-depth feel for what being racist against aboriginal culture is like.
As I understood it the voice is your adviser, it isn’t you. Watch the video again, it looks like you have the choice to negotiate with them or to build the line around them. Also we don’t know the whole story, maybe you will be punished when you just plow through. It is a historical campaign and if people don’t like historical facts, they should play sandbox!
Let me preface this with — I’m roughly 30% Native American. Let’s look at the facts. 1. Western Europeans invented trains. 2. Many Native American tribes were incredibly savage from the perspective of the European settlers. I’m not talking about their living quarters and lifestyle, but the slavery and raiding that occurred from pretty much the start of settlement. The causes of this savagery are both in the settlement and within the Native American tribal conflicts — which occurred prior to settlement/western expansion. So, this game is from the perspective of the culture who had the railroads and technological advancement, it is understandable that this type of verbiage would creep into the scenario. But i still don’t like it. However, my main point is that you can’t say that (specific tribes) of Native Americans didn’t earn the title savage. But, however, you would probably complain if they didn’t include the Native American tribes. This is a no-win situation. Please just play the game — turn off the audio if necessary. It’s hard to wait for this!
Wholeheartedly agreed. Especially given the protests that have been going on against the Dakota Access Pipeline, this language in the context of an infrastructure game is extremely problematic. While it is necessary to acknowledge the racist history of land appropriation in North America, including not just Native Americans but also black and immigrant communities during the building of the Interstate Highway System in the US, that acknowledgement should not itself be racist, nor should it blithely encourage the player to make decisions that in the real world would have racist implications. And while it makes all the sense in the world that a nineteenth-century railroad company would not feel any cost or consequence for such actions, that does not mean it is ok for the player to feel no cost or consequence within the game.
How do you know, that there aren’t any consequences? Pause the video and read the additional text.
Ach nö, bitte keine Schönschwätzer und Scheinpädagogen. Hier geht’s um ein Spiel und nicht um ein politisches Statement. Authentisch soll es sein.
There was a TV series on AMC called “Hell On Wheels” which was about the building of the transcontinental railroad. The actors used the words “Indian” and even the “n” word quite a lot because that is what people said back then. If period actors in this historically based show said “Native Americans” or “African Americans”, it would have been comical.
I would love to see the Hindenburg included in the vehicles list. And yes it would be wrong to not have it adorned with Nazi symbols. Nothing was sicker than the Nazis, but that is what it looked like and that is how it should be represented. A player certainly could mod it differently if they wished.
Lets not allow political correctness to rewrite history. In this case, nothing is truer than the phrase; “It is what it is.”
There is only one problem: Germany is for Urban Games a big market. And in Germany you could use Nazi-Symbols in Movies or other Medias when they are in a critical context. But they are (in most cases) not allowed in Video Games. And to make a cut-version for such a little detail is not the best idea
seriously? why the heck do people complain about that stuff? woopdee doo he said damn indians and savages. BIG DEAL. yeah, its not acceptable today, but honestly its a nice change of pace having a developer that isnt scared of every minor detail, other than the gameplay. if you dont like it, dont buy the game.
Definately, don’t buy the game If you don’t like it. Its the developer’s words or yours? Or are you the ambassador of the developer? If you are, then certainly I am not going to buy the game, or I even don’t want to get it for free.
no no, buy the game, turn off the audio.
As the devs are from Germany, I doubt it they even thought about it.
Everyone in Europe still refers to ”Native Americans” as Indians (even high school history books and such), it’s just not an issue here.
And yeah, I have to agree with Christoph, I don’t see the point in trying to hide history behind some political correct BS ,especially not in a TRANSPORT GAME set in that specific era.
The devs are swiss.
That was a wonderful blog, except the phase ‘Damned Indians’ in the campaign description. You should keep in account the sentiments of your players from all over the world. I am a die hard Indian fan of Train fever too.
I think the devs are speaking of the native americans. Not the people from India.
I get the feeling that you are from India (the Country), and feel a bit insulted because of the (nowadays mostly outdated) term that Christopher Columbus and other explorers originally used for Native Americans. I had no that idea that people in India felt that way. Or could it be that some people in India need to brush up on global history lessons a bit?
I was at first a little baffled by this term too, but then I thought, it is historically accurate. Nowadays the term ‘Indians’ for the Native Americans is not commonly used anymore, and as I understand, it may be considered a bit of an insult, so the term ‘Native Americans’ is nowadays commonly used instead. But in the time period of this particular campaign, they were indeed called ‘Indians’, and they also weren’t appreciated too much. So although the term is now outdated and may be considered rude, it might have been strange to use ‘Native Americans’ in this campaign instead. A solution might have been to skip issues involving the Indians alltogether, but that would also not have been historically accurate. Especially the building of the transcontinental and other railroads caused many battles and even wars between ‘Indians’ and ‘Americans’ (European Immigrants).
But from what I can deduct from all the information so far, part of this campaign might be making a decision to either lay track across the Indian territory, (which might trigger delays or other problems, reflecting the battles in real history), or treat the Indians with respect, bypassing their territory (which will prpbably be expensive and time consuming, but may produce some benefits in the future). We’ll have to wait until release to see how things play out in this campaign.
Thanks for shedding light on history and clarification.
I don’t really care how the campaign will be played: its a game after all and not a real life. All I expect and wish it to be a great game and a huge success for the developers.
Regardless of what the campaign is, it’s still racist slur to call aboriginals “savage.” In Canada, the term Indian itself is even offensive.
Ok, I watched the video now 4 times and the word “savage” does not appear anywhere! Did I miss something or are you just simply projecting?
The phase could be removed or altered. There is always a solution.
There seems to be a few comments taking issue with this. Ordinarily, I would be inclined to support such issues, but in this instance, it’s *clearly* used as pure period flavour – and it’s a subject so often repeated throughout mainstream media as to be borderline-cliche anyway – native american tribes (indians) were seen as the “enemy” of the european settlers (/cowboys), forging westward beyond the frontier to “tame” the wild expanse of the continent, including the native peoples – in reality, the native tribes were broadly trampled beneath the wheels of progress.
It’s not at all out of place in this context – in a scripted mission such as this, you are literally play-acting an agent of that historical industrialisation process. Anyone involved with building railroads at that time likely did see the native tribes as nothing more than a damned annoyance to be swept out of the way. It simply wouldn’t make sense for the game to present it otherwise, simply because we’re (somewhat) more enlightened in modern times.
If you’re personally sensitive about playing a role that historically caused considerable hardship to native peoples, perhaps it would be best to avoid historically-based scripted missions, and stick with sandbox maps, where that kind of flavour can be ignored.
Additionally, I saw this game on Indian online markets as well ‘www.flipkart.com’.
Erstmal bin ich richtig heiß auf das spiel mit jeder neuer nachricht und jedem neuen einblick mehr und mehr.
und habe das spiel bei amazone gesehen mit release termin 31.12.2016
die haben nur einen eingesetzt damit sie es schon verkaufen können. Release wird ja erst am 12.10.2016 bekannt gegeben laut aussage
ich weiß kennt man ja schon von andern spielen kp wolltes es trozdem erwähnt haben unnützes wissen halt
Je mehr Videos es zu sehen gibt, umso besser und interessanter wird das Spiel. Das ganze sieht einfach nur großartig aus! Eine wirklich tolle Arbeit und ein wirklich tolles Spiel, was da auf die Beine gestellt wird.
Ist denn noch immer nicht Herbst? 😀
It would be nice to have a Switzerland scenario, whereby we have to build tunnels and railroads high up in the alps. Are there any hotels and resorts businesess facilities in this game too ?
awesome I can finally make an Australian campaign I’ve been waiting so long for that news
I’d advice you to wait till january to release the game if you won’t release it withing a week 🙂
What? And miss the Christmas gift season? No way!
Looking superb guys. Can’t wait to give it a go!
Have just noticed, at 2:00 in video – depo has a size of average barn again. That is sad. Would you please check some mods from previous game and implement solid train depo ? Thanks a lot
I find the depiction of the first nations as “savages” to be highly offensive (not like “swearing is offensive”, but more like “people were actually brutally murdered, raped, pillaged, enslaved” offensive). Glorifying such acts is utterly disgusting on the part of the game devs. Surely it was the mass-murdering psychopaths killing the natives who were savage? I hope the voiceovers can easily be deleted from the game because such genocidal racism will never find a home on my hard drive. Is this a game about transportation, or recreational racism? Truly appalled that in this day and age you’re pandering to racist cockwombles, although maybe the devs themselves are racist? Seriously, WTAF were you folks thinking?!
This discussion has been raging plenty already above. Representing history is not racism. Referencing such acts is not glorifying them. Insisting people deny history happened is far more ignorant than acknowledging it, and that’s all the devs are doing here. Plenty of atrocities have been committed in the name of industrialization throughout the world, and as a historical transport engineering game, they can either choose to reference a relevant piece of history or not. It may not serve any great purpose referencing it, and it’s certainly arguable that there’s no real point having this element in the campaign, but loudly accusing them of racism simply for referencing historical events is obnoxious and misguided. You may genuinely think you’re confronting intolerance, but all you’re really doing is siezing the opportunity to rant and bully people about something you think you can be seen to have the moral high ground on.
Seriously, I would be the first in line to call out real bigotry, but this is nothing of the sort. Racism is certainly something worth fighting, but it might help to give some thought to your approach first, and ensure you’re actually targeting people who genuinely deserve it, rather than just coming across as a beligerant loudmouth looking for a fight.
Literally right now, as we type, colonists are once again doing land grabs of First Nations land for oil pipelines, train routes, tar sands, etc. And not just in USA/Canada that this sort of stuff is happening, but all throughout the Middle East and Africa too. Would it be OK to call Syrians, Iraqis, Palestinians, or Africans “Savages” for resisting colonial expansion? What if we started calling Jews savages, would your opinion change then?
BTW, I have several friends who are in those protests against the pipeline, as well a many friends in Syria, Iraq, etc. I’m not just calling out the language used in the voiceover for shits and giggles. While you might think it’s simply “historical” or “part of the gameplay”, peoples lives are still being destroyed over this kind of systemic racism and colonialism.
If this were a game dedicated to calling out the atrocities of the past, or present, then it would be more justifiable to use that language. But the way it is presented in game is actually normalising systemic racism. It has to go.
I can’t see why you’re insisting on directly equating current-day issues with depictions of historical racism. I’m not calling anyone anything at this moment, and I fail to see in what way hearing some fictional period dialogue is likely to encourage me to.
All the devs have done is to depict a very commonplace attitude that people of that time held. No, that attitude wasn’t right, and was in no way justifiable, but people at that time *did* think that way. The normalising of systemic racism in *that* particular context happened over 100 years ago, and simply acknowledging that it happened doesn’t automatically equate to glorifying it, or somehow normalising entirely unrelated modern day events that you happen to be able to draw parallels with.
Why should a work of fiction be permitted to reference historical events *only* if they intend to make a stark moral point about those events? Not much history would ever get taught if it was all required to be a work of moral philosphy too. Not every historical work of fiction needs necessarily to delve into the ethics of what it depicts just to justify its own appropriateness. Likewise, there’s nothing inherant about the act of *not* delving into the moral issues of the past, just because you reference them, that makes you automatically complicit in perpetuating them.
I’m not even suggesting that ultimately this dialogue is definitely suited to the game as it stands. Depending entirely on the larger context, it could indeed turn out to be insensitive, or just out-of-place… or it could turn out to be quite the opposite, and actually prompt some worthwhile moral choices that do anything but glorify or normalise racism. You can’t really know that context for sure from a brief clip in a video, so I can only feel that your initial open hostility is based solely on a knee-jerk-reaction to the simple mention of historical racism, without adequately considering the context. Maybe think to *ask* the developers what the overall context is, *before* accusing them of perpetuating systemic racism.
> I can’t see why you’re insisting on directly equating current-day issues with depictions of historical racism.
That’s because systemic racism has become normalised.
In the context of what we’re dicussing, yes, systemic racism *became* normalised… over 100 years ago, and again, in the context of what we’re discussing, has since become de-normalised, by the spreading of more enlightened ideas and gradually bringing the majority of people to the realisation that such terms are inappropriate and offensive to the people involved. How many people in this thread, even the in the cases of the more obnoxious posts are, in a current context, ignorantly refering to native Americans as “Damned Indians”?
Why would we even be having this discussion if this particular example of systemic racism still existed to any significant degree?
Given that it doesn’t, what relevance does a discussion about its depiction solely in a historical context have to modern-day examples of systemic racism that *do* exist?
Widespread racism certainly exists today, I’m not disputing that. But imagine 100 years from now – imagine someone making a game or film referencing a Donald-Trump-like character, in the context of what is *then* distant history? Would it be offensive to people of that future time to depict him as the callous, self-serving racist that he is? Should they instead depict him as a well-intentioned, considerate business tycoon, who only talks of other races in the enlightened terms of the day? No… *that* would be offensive.
It’s entirely possible to be considerate of other races, while at the same time not seeking to sanitize history to make it more palatable. In fact, I’d say that to do so *would* be inconsiderate of current racism issues, as all it really does is encourage people to ignore and forget them.
Ok aubergine18, please tell me where you’ve found the word “savage” or “savages” in the Video? Please enlighten me.
*Listen* to the game voiceover in the video. The words aren’t in text, it’s in the american voiceover.
Then don’t buy the game. It’s people like you who regress society with out of context political correctness. Move on. It’s a game for f sake.
OK devs, I see a lot of complains about being offended. But there are also a lot of strong people. The only way to handle this is produce 2 versions of the game:
1) soft version for very sensitive people. When they see words like savage or nigger, they become sad.
2) strong version for formidable people. This group of people doesn’t afraid of real world. They call all the things with their own names.
I had about the same idea, you beat me to it. But my idea goes even a bit further:
On october 12, announce the release date of the ‘current’ (strong) version, as well as a ‘politically correct’ (soft) version. But:
1. announce that the ‘soft’ version will be released a number of weeks later than the current version, maybe somewhere in january after the holiday season, because the voice-actor has to be re-hired, and may not be available on short notice, and
2. announce that the ‘soft’ version will cost a few dollars more than the current version, because of course the extra work of the voice-actor has to be paid.
See what happens then.
Okay, I support the devs referencing such things without being decried as racists, but there’s no need to start trolling the other way and using it as an excuse to belittle people who aren’t happy to throw around such terms gleefully. You’re not a “stronger” person just because you think it’s a virtue not to show some restraint. You now actually *are* erring dangerously close to being bigotted, unlike the Devs in this case.
There’s room for reasonable debate regarding this issue… and there are certainly good points for leaving such dialogue in the game, and for leaving it out. Don’t be a dick about it.
I’m just sick of these social justice warriors.
Don’t say “that”, don’t say “this”.
Most of the times such a people have no real basis to be offended. My own ancestors suffered due to some historical events, but I don’t complain about being offended by history. There is a great difference between what happened many years ago and what is happening now. And we cannot just do like ostriches and hide our heads in the sand. We cannot fear the past. We must know our history to avoid some mistakes in the future.
Just look at the examples here:
1) Native Americans were exterminated due to kindness and technical backwardness. Just remeber that Roman Empire was destroyed by the barbarians. So, Native Americans were invaded by the barbarians from the Europe. Natives had many miraculous knowledges about the world, medicine etc that we cannot reproduce even now. So, the lesson here is to be vigilant. The same situation repeats now with the Europe who lets in barbarians (all those refugees). Nothing good awaits Europe.
2) Africans. Many africans were slaves for a long time, but look at them now. They live in one the most powerful countries of the world. Even one of them became a president of this country. And look at those who still lives in the old area. Their level of life isn’t even close to the level of life of the ex-slaves. So what’s wrong here? There are a lot of famous black actors, musicians, engineers etc, but probably 95% of them are children of the slaves and ex-slaves.
Human’s level of life affects its future. I mean, usually, if you live good you will not do best to live better, if you live bad you will do the best to live better because you have nothing to lose. The same happened to early Europeans. Severe climate made them strong and inventive. People, who lived southern, had mild climate. So, no incentives to be strong or inventive.
We must understand that humans are much less humans that they think to be.
So, mistake of the 2) is do nothing to be strong or smart.
Here is much easier example. When some boy wants to date some girl, he do his best to impress her. But later, when they are husband and wife, he drinks a lot of beer, no physical activity, because no incentives to be strong. Just watch The Simpsons.
Thus, what everyone should do? We must forget our past and substitute it with some formal respect to each other. OR. We must study the past and be ready for the future?
And what exactly does a discussion regarding the appropriateness of racist language in a particular narrative context have to do with your odd views on why blacks in Africa aren’t as “strong” as those whose ancestors endured a few generations of slavery?
Can’t you see my point here? In supposedly coming out in support of the devs, who weren’t saying anything racist in the first place, you’re erring dangerously close to belligerently spouting bigoted rubbish of your own, seemingly just to get a rise out of these boogeymen “SJWs” that you (and seemingly half the internet lately) seem to unironically label anyone who doesn’t care to cheer along with whatever offensive rant you’re throwing around this time.
Whatever your personal views on the “strength” of one race over another, however much you convince yourself you’re only talking about it in a historical context (you’re not) – it has nothing to do with whether refering to native Americans as “damned Indians” in the context of a historical game narrative is or isn’t a reasonable idea.
If you think the views you’re ranting about *are* relevant to this discussion, then you might want to consider whether your intention here was really to defend people who are being wrongly accused of being racist, or was actually to defend people who you think *are* being racist but you consider that justifiable.
It’s not by the way.
OK. Whatever.
Firstly, Is the word ‘Damned Indians’ a historical term?.
I know that in History, it was meant for Native Americans. On this small group of people, we are already starting to have this discussion. Imagine when this game will be released on Steam to millions of people from all over the world. People will not hesitate to give a negative review just for this thing , which will hamper its rating. Many people like me, simply see the rating first (Mostly Positive, Positive, Mixed etc) on steam to judge the game and not read reviews
Number of mods that were made for Train Fever until now:
European steam locomotives: 135 files – North American steam locomotives: 5 files
European diesel locomotives: 86 files – North American diesel locomotives: 35 files
European electric locomotives: 112 files – North American electric locomotives: 0 files
European multiple units: 106 files – North American multiple units: 0 files
Similar numbers show up for Passenger carriages, Goods carriages, Trams, Buses and Trucks.
These mods may not represent the actual number of European or North American people that played Train Fever, but judging from these numbers, at least the vast majority of modders (and thus probably the core fanbase) for Train Fever seem to be European gamers, mostly German even!
This of course says nothing about the fanbase that will develop for Transport Fever, but one could assume that maybe the core fanbase for Transport Fever will (at least initially) be Europeans too. They will presumably not be so sensitive about the language in the game (probably won’t even care about it), and won’t take the in-game language into consideration when rating the game on Steam.
Based on that assumption, the devs probably shouldn’t have to be too afraid for an average low rating on Steam for Transport Fever because of the language.
Denkt ihr bitte auch daran, dass es Menschen gibt die arbeiten gehen müssen und nicht tagelang an einem Spiel sitzen können? 😉 😀
Dafür hat man schon lange her etwas ganz schönes erfunden: Urlaubstage! 🙂
OK. Let’s start a new thread.
Racism is good and normal behaviour of the human being. Tell me why I’m wrong.
What “why”?
I just want to know why racism is considered to be bad. I some arguments that explain the phenomenon of the racism. Though, I must admit that indeed I don’t support or oppose racism, I just accept it.
Because it is biologically incorrect to denote groups of people “races”. To say that “All humans belong to the same race” is not being politically correct, but scientifically correct. Therefore, racism is not just “morally” wrong, it’s just plain wrong. The claim that groups of people are supposedly other races was invented to be able to treat these groups differently without breaking any (legal, religious, moral, etc.) standards. In short, if you want to treat people differently in a society without destabilizing this society, you need to somehow classify these people differently. Europeans were only able to murder, dispossess, enslave, etc. without going to jail (and/or hell), because they declared other peole as belonging to a “different race” to which different standards apply.
But why the racism exists?
On the one hand the racism exists, on the other – people can badly treat other people of the same-race. “Damn you man! You have the same skin color, same eyes, same ears. You have all the same. I hate you!”
So, probably, racism doesn’t exist? Some racial distinctions are just fake-reasons to behave yourself badly?
Racism is a kind of definition “friend or foe”. Probably this is a primitive mechanism of your tribe protection. This is a mechanism, which saved life to humans for thousands of years. If you meet something new, it can be friendly or not. If you let this new to your life, but it appears to be bad, you can lose your life.
Just imagine humans as a human body. Racism is your immune system. Every day you meet huge amount of bacteria, viruses and so on. Your immune system kills all newcomers or at least tries to. It doesn’t divide that bacteria and viruses into friends or foes. Probably it’s not the best solution. Probably you could gain some useful bacteria or viruses, but your body can’t just afford it. It’s to hard to distinct the good ones and the bad ones.
What happens with full tolerance? That is what is called AIDS. You immune system lets in everyone. And that’s definitely not good.
So. What do you think about this?
Also ich würde mich freuen es endlich spielen zu können, denn das was ich sehe gefällt 🙂
Bisher bin ich total begeistert von den Verbesserungen im bau System bis hin zur Kampange, ich erhoffe mir noch mehr Spielstunden in dem spiel verbringen zu können als in Train Fever da bin ich aktuell bei knapp 400
I just remembered i had an issue while playing train fever and settings multiple train lines to sthrough the station trains always travel only through specific platform. Is it possible to program in for trains to choose empty plaform to get in to the station avoiding congestion near stations.
Another thing i would like to ask about signalling system is it going to be the same or is it going to have more complex features like in real life for example active yellow light signals as well allowing trains to start moving on 15-20km/h speeds.
Thank you
Yeah. It would be great. Both of the suggestions.
Love the look of it the voice acting is awesome, having listened twice because i have seen all the negative feedback. at no point does the actor say savage Indians.
but glad you have kept the cow boy and Indian element in the game. look forward to seeing the world war elements of the game far more close to home for Europeans.
i have asked before and will mention it again please allow trains to crash if train lines are built in a dangerous configurations ( like the original transport tycoon just an explosion nothing overly graphic). also a boat sinking would be a good feature something most tycoon games leave out ( again not looking for anything graphic just boat disappears and needs replacing would suit me)
in the future though would be cool to take the human cost into consideration in the Jurassic park game Operation Genesis the park builder gets fined 10.000 every time a visitor to the park is killed. could do the same every-time a train crashes or boat sinks.
Thanks for all the effort i cant wait to buy the game !!
You’re correct. From the 20 minutes of audio I listened to, the actor never says savage indians. However, he does say “savages” and “damned indians “. Whichever way he did or could have said it is highly offensive, though.