Developer blog #1: Vehicle features

Vehicles are key to operate a successful company in Transport Fever. During the development, great value was set upon the vehicles features in order to both ensure high visual quality and enrich the gameplay experience.

The first developer blog demonstrates these features in detail. The following video shows how lights, aging, paintings, logos, interiors and animations work:

The tool shown in the video allows for quick vehicle previews. It is not part of the game but may be released within the context of modding tools later on.

We are looking forward to your feedback. As always, suggestions and questions are very welcome!

Posted in News.



  1. Very very promising, It looks awesome and nice features!. I’m super curious how you guys implement this in game 🙂 Please make use of HEX colors. 50 Color palettes are possible only, at the moment. HEX would be very could to colorize all kind of colors 🙂

  2. Diese Neuerungen finde ich super. Gerade die Sache mit dem Rost und Schmutz. Ich freue mich schon riesig drauf.

    Aber ich hoffe auch, dass es im Gegensatz zu Trainfever einfacher wird die Fahrzeuge zu ersetzen bzw. zu Warten, wie es auch im Video erwähnt wurde.
    Ich fand es nach einiger Zeit sehr umständlich alle Busse und Züge zu ersetzen und bei jeder Linie den Ersatzzug neu Auswählen zu müssen.
    Ich würde mir wünschen das eine Wartungsfunktion da Abhilfe schafft und das Automatische Ersetzen aushebelt.
    Oder zumindest das man leicht per Knopfdruck sagen kann, den Zug,Bus, was auch immer mit dem gleichen zu ersetzen, wenn ein bestimmtes Alter erreicht ist, ohne alles neu Auswählen und suchen zu müssen.
    Ich hoffe man weiß was ich meine 😀

    Ich freue mich auf jedenfall schon seht auf Transportfever und warte sehnlichst auf Gameplayvideos. Diese Neuerungen sind großartig und ein super Schritt in die Richtige Richtung, die eine Transportsimulation einschlagen sollte.

    Weiter so!

  3. awesome thanks so looking forward to the release I’ve spend over 4000 hours with train fever and thoroughly enjoy the game. I’d tried other games but being paralysed on my left side means the simplicity of the game allowed me to play with only one hand thanks so much.

  4. My biggest concern regarding modding is this: will it support joints? Especially for technically advanced things like the landing gear, it makes total sense to rig using joints and make an IK rig to automate as much as possible.

    No way I’m making planes and animate landing gear using a text editor!

  5. Its a good first step you didn’t disable the automatic speech-to-text closed captions, but would be nice if you looked over the auto generated ones and improved them for us who are hard of hearing or deaf and depend on them to hear/see what you say. If you really don’t like to do that, then you can at least opt in for fan contributed closed captions at YouTube so that hopefully the videos eventually will get better closed captions. I think it is a good step you took to try out making videos, but hope you can get them captioned as well.

    The vehicles look nice and it looks like you added some visual touch with door animations and if you include maintenance in the game like in TTD where trains has to visit a depot sometimes, it can be linked to how long time since it was served or otherwise just to their age.

  6. Super excited with the way you guys are staying in touch with the community, and answering our questions, keep it up! Love the fact that you already answered the question about vehicles turning around in stations. In addition, will it be possible to choose the direction of the locomotive in relation to the direction of the train? For example adding a second locomotive to the rear of a train so that they are in “push pull” service, and therefore will not have to turn around at the end of the line.

  7. In the video the red rear lights glow very white. Is this just work-in-progress or a feature of the editor, and in-game they would look red, as they should?

  8. So Excited about this game. I recently started to play train fever and I’m loving it, but noticed vehicles drive around with no driver, I’m happy to see in this video, not only is there a driver for the bus, but also passengers with animation on the doors. . I think a London style double decker bus would be cool, but maybe that is something for a future DLC.

  9. I’d really appreciate if in this game we had a greater variety of vehicles. When playing Train Fever I was very happy with the USRA 2-8-2: a standardized model that was used all over the country for a long time. It was a little weird to have a dedicated freight engine pulling the fast passenger trains, but it wasn’t too much of a stretch. However, when the 4-12-2 was introduced it ruined the game for me. Not only was that locomotive an experimental model which does a terrible job representing American steam, it was limited to a very small and specific geographical area, and in fact was a very rare sight. At least give us an alternative like a 2-8-8-2 so we can use generic models if we want and don’t obsolete the previous one and force us to use unique engines. I like the Union Pacific, but I would have liked much better a more generic model like the 4-8-4. 4-8-4s were everywhere; 4-12-2s were in about one state. Additionally, they were both freight locomotives and I hated pulling passengers with them. USRA 4-6-2 were almost identical to the 2-8-2s, it would have been so easy to have both! I sincerely hope that this new game fixes those (in my opinion) greivous errors. I don’t care how many lights, animations, and paint schemes it has, if this game includes a Pennsy Q2 and forces you to use it by not having any other freight engines from the same period, I’m not gonna play it.

  10. For me, I hated the necessity to send a train to a Depot for maintenance and really hated the constant breakdowns in Locomotion. Perhaps this should be an option either way.

  11. Love the video. Love that we need to maintain our vehicles. Vehicles that last forever are boring with no gameplay challenge, so yes, make them age and needing maintenance and eventually replacing.

  12. Hallo,

    werden die Fahrgäste auch beim Einstieg in das Transportmittel verschwinden, wie es in Train-Fever vorgeben ist oder sieht man den direkten Einstieg der Passiere? Ich fand das Verschwinden der Fahrgäste nicht so gut. Zumindestens bei Cities in Motion konnnte man die Fährgäste vor den animierten eintreten sehen.

  13. Hallo

    Die Neuerungen finde ich toll, wird es für die Strassen vielleicht Ampeln geben, dies würde ich toll finden.
    Und es wäre besser, wenn die Städte nicht wie bei Trainfever schrumpfen würden bei gleichbleibende Angebot sondern stagnieren.

  14. Diese ganzen Einzelheiten wunderbar, freu mich schon auf das Spiel. Endlich mal das was ich bisher an den ganzen Simulations Spielen vermisst habe. Der Rost gefällt mir besonders gut.

  15. Hi, klingt alles sehr schön und vielversprechend – bei mir entsteht allerdings die Angst, dass das alles zu Lasten der Performance geht. Ein schönes Spiel, das im späteren Spielverlauf mit vielen komplexen Animationen belastet ist, statt auf den eigentlichen Spielwert zu fokussieren finde ich schwierig.

    Viel lieber hätte ich etwas weniger aufändige Animationen, dafür größere Maps mit richtig langen Strecken und vielen Fahrzeugen…

    Ich hoffe auf das Beste und bin schon sehr gespannt

  16. Looks more promising then cities in motion 2 or Cities skyline and waiting to see if they can have alot of industrial goods that form a realistic city!

    Examples such as and the list just goes on just look at a directory for all the things you can add as the game grows and get bigger and more player want more industries: I think everyone will get excited to see these resources being transported and arriving at destination! And also as one of the other post have mention they should also be items with in these industries like things that is needed for building construction?

    Sites to help:

    Air Tools & Accessories-Supply & Service
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    Chemical Suppliers
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    Manchester–W’salers & Mfrs
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    Packaging, Filling & Sealing Equipment
    Pallets & Platforms
    Pile Driving Contractors or Equipment
    Plastics – Products – Wholesalers and Manufacturers
    Powder Coating Services
    Power Transmission Equipment & Supplies
    Racks & Stands
    Rubber &/or Metal Stamps
    Rubber Products–W’salers & Mfrs
    Scales & Weighing Equipment
    Seals–Oil & Mechanical
    Sheet Metal Workers
    Spring W’salers & Mfrs
    Steel Fabricators and Manufacturers
    Tank Cleaning
    Transport – Heavy
    Valves-Equipment & Service
    Welding Services
    Wire Products
    Wrought Iron

    Food industries for America:

  17. Eine sehr schöne Idee mit dem Entwickler-Blog, macht Spaß zu schauen und steigert die Vorfreude enorm 🙂

    Zwei Vorschläge noch:
    – wie wäre es mit einer Blinker-Animation für Straßenfahrzeuge, die an Haltestellen halten (Warnblinker oder Rechtsblinker)
    – wie wäre es, wenn Fahrzeuge, die eine Fahrtzielanzeige haben (= S-Bahnen, Busse, manche Regionalzüge, …), auch den Namen des Zielbahnhofes anzeigen würden? Dies würde natürlich voraussetzen, dass man im Linienplan auch Bahnhöfe als Zielbahnhöfe definieren kann, sonst wüsste das Spiel ja nicht, wo nach Meinung des Spielers das jeweilige Ende der Linie ist.

  18. Vermisst hier niemand Konkurrenz? Mensch, ich warte schon lange auf die Möglichkeiten auf einer Karte gegen andere Spieler in Netzwerk oder Computergegner zu spielen…

  19. Could you include the CNR U-4-a? It’s a semi-streamlined 4-8-4; a total of 5 were built for Canadian National Railways in 1936. The first (#6400) was selected to pull the royal train when King Edward visited Canada in 1939, and is preserved at the Canada Science and Technology Museum

    “Royal” livery:

    I’ve always considered it one of the most elegant steam locomotive designs and I think it would be a great addition to a game like this

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