FAQ Seite aktualisiert

Wir freuen uns über das grossartige Feedback, dass uns nach der Veröffentlichung des gamescom Trailers erreicht hat. Der Trailer hat viele Fragen zum Spiel beantwortet, naturgemäss aber auch eine Reihe neuer aufgeworfen.

Entsprechend haben wir beschlossen, die >FAQ-Seite< nochmals zu erweitern, um auf Fragen zu Städten, Industrien und Modding-Möglichkeiten einzugehen.

Da einige Fragen sicher noch unbeantwortet sind, freuen wir uns weiterhin sehr über Kommentare und Feedback!

Veröffentlicht in News.


23 Kommentare

  1. Hello Urban Games! When last week the trailer shows the factory can be “growing”,l have an consumed: if my station or line very close to the land where will occupy by factory, what will happen?My building will to be demolished?

  2. Can stations be built fully or partially elevated or submerged?

    I think this would greatly increase flexibility putting big stations into cramped cities ( for examples an elevated station with road crossing below it ). Below ground stations are also very common new constructions in bigger cities.

  3. Guess it’s a wet dream of everyone that trains and other crafts can go land to land unfortunately when it comes to the game it means world.
    That also means boundaries and rules, i doubt we will see trains crossing to other worlds bringing peoples and goods from other countries to other countries but if that will work like the last sim-city at least… maybe, just maybe we can see that actually working and it will be awesome, but i truly doubt that and believe that even airplanes will not travel long distances, i just hope the mechanics are better than train fever, still trying to crack that game open and it challenged me tons of times for trying to do a simple thing like upgrading my train and i get back to production 0 from a factory that just did 70.

    I just sometimes throw my trains and use trucks instead cause it’s so much easier and the running costs makes up better than using trains and losing money. (train fever)

    so basically i really hope for good things and i can’t wait to play this game, it looks awesome!

  4. Können wir auch kleine Haltestellen an Bahnlinien platzieren (wie die Bushaltestellen an Straßen) für Haltepunkte mit sehr geringem Verkehrsaufkommen? Dadurch wären kleine Nebenlinien z.B. mit Schienenbussen deutlich einfacher zu gestalten.
    Und wird man Bahntrassen über längere Strecken auf STraßen bauen können, sollten diese nicht zu steil sein? Ein Beispiel hierfür wäre die Rhätische Bahn durch Tirano. Dadurch wären auch Bahnhöfe in Zentrumsnähe leichter realisierbar. Und wo wir gerade dabei sind: wird es unterirdische Bahnhöfe geben?
    Vielen Dank schon mal im Vorraus für das garantiert phantastische Spiel. Ich freu mich jetz schon riesig drauf 😀

  5. Hallo UG ,
    In den Trailer ist zu sehen das es auch Tag /Nacht wechseln gibt .
    Da ist meine Frage ist der schon vorhanden oder ist es eine mod IDE?
    Also wenn der dabei wäre das ist schon der Hammer für das Spiel.

    • Wurde schon beantwortet!

      Q: Ist es möglich, verschiedene Stimmungen, wie im gamescom-Trailer gezeigt, mit Modding zu erzeugen?
      Q: Beinahe alle beliebigen Stimmungen können durch das Ändern einer Reihe an Dateien und Einstellungen, darunter die Skybox und die Konfiguration der HDR Licht Map, erzeugt werden. Ein dynamischer Tag-Nacht Zyklus ist allerdings in der Release Version nicht vorgesehen.

  6. Maybe is it possible to add some reality to game by adding a speedlimit on train crossing? Like in normal life, top speed 160kmph or 100mph ?
    If you want a faster train you have to build 2 level crossing by bridge or tunnel 🙂

  7. Instead of having a lot of different stations to accomodate different shapes, why not just have a platform element which is added to a track similarly to how parallel track is added? This would enable dynamic expansion of stations without having to rework the track geometry. If the platform element has a variable width, it would also allow platforms that narrow towards the end.

  8. Is there any chance users will have some customization over the layout of Airports?

    I know it’s not the sole purpose of the game but sometimes default layouts are very boring and do not fit in with larger towns/cities. Makes for more realistic setups with train/bus interchanges at an airport as well.

  9. It would be great, if you make more realistic animations of factories, vehicles, etc. It seems to me , a perfect example is the series of ANNO.

    I understand that Transportfever is not about construction and trade , but the plant animation and animation of small things make a great atmosphere . It will be very best to just watch how the factory is loading trains.

  10. I have noticed that the A4 pacific class (Mallard) only does 90mph when in reality it was able to achieve 126mph, so would it be possible to increase the speed of the Mallard as it is currently slower than the Flying Scotsman which in reality was slower than the Mallard.

  11. in the new transport fever will it be possible for „accidents“ obvs not grisly but i would like trains to collide due to poor layout, boats to sink due to age or exceeding capacity plants overshooting short runways that sort of thing.

    and for transport fever 4 – weather conditions would be epic with weather codtions affecting transport lines like shipping

    either way keep up the good work my credit card is ready for transport fevers release date

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