Table of Contents



A track configuration files specifies a set of parameters to define the properties, dimension, features, and visuals of tracks. They are stored in .lua files in the folder res\config\track\.

The file has the following format:

function data()
return {
    -- name, description, availability
    -- shape configuration
    -- ballast configuration
    -- sleeper configuration
    -- rail configuration
    -- catenary configuration
    -- track configuration
    -- speed configuration
    -- materials, models, textures configuration
    -- cost configuration

Name, description, availability

    name = _("High-speed tracks")
    desc = _("Specialized tracks for higher speeds")
    yearFrom = 1925
    yearTo = 0

Shape configuration

Shapes represent the base geometry of the tracks and are used for collision tests, terrain alignment generation and generation of the procedural geometry. The width should be high enough to contain the actual procedural geometry. The step size allows for smoother curves (small) or less geometric primitives (high), which speed up collision checks.

    shapeWidth = 4.0                -- [m] shape width
    shapeStep = 4.0                 -- [m] shape step
    shapeSleeperStep = 8.0 / 13.0   -- [m] distance between sleepers

Ballast configuration

Ballast is the bed for track usually made from crushed stone. The height and material (see below) can be configured.

    ballastHeight = .3              -- [m] height of the ballast
    ballastCutOff = .1              -- [m] amount ot cut off the profile from the top at a certain angle

Sleeper configuration

Sleepers (or ties) are the rail supports usually made from wood, concrete, or steel. The dimension and material (see below) can be configured.

    sleeperBase = ballastHeight     -- [m] base height from ground level
    sleeperLength = .24             -- [m] length of the sleeper
    sleeperWidth = 2.6              -- [m] width of the sleeper
    sleeperHeight = .08             -- [m] height of the sleeper
    sleeperCutOff = .04             -- [m] amount ot cut off the profile from the top at a certain angle

Rail configuration

    railTrackWidth = 1.435                    -- [m] track gauge (spacing between the rails)
    railBase = sleeperBase + sleeperHeight    -- [m] base height from ground level
    railHeight = .15                          -- [m] height of the rail
    railWidth = .07                           -- [m] width of the rail
    railCutOff = .02                          -- [m] amount ot cut off the profile from the top at a certain angle

Catenary configuration

Electrified tracks need catenary for the power transfer. The poles are instances of a model, whereas the cable is procedurally generated.

    catenaryBase = 5.917 + railBase + railHeight     -- [m] base height of the cable over ground level
    catenaryHeight = 1.35                            -- [m] height of the support cable at the poles
    catenaryPoleDistance = 25.0                      -- [m] distance between poles

Track configuration

Multiple tracks

    trackDistance = 5.0   -- [m] distance between track centers

Speed configuration

The maximum speed on straight segments is speedLimit, and on curved segments calculated according the formula below.

    speedLimit = 300.0 / 3.6            -- [m/s] maximum speed on a straight track
    speedCoeffs = { .9, 15.0, .63 }     -- curve speed limit = a * (radius + b) ^ c

Material configuration

Material and model configuration. Bumper and switch signal models are optional.

    ballastMaterial = "track/ballasmtl"
    sleeperMaterial = "track/sleeper_concrete.mtl"
    railMaterial = "track/rail.mtl"
    catenaryMaterial = "track/catenary.mtl"
    trackMaterial = "track/track_high_speed.mtl"
    tunnelWallMaterial = "track/tunnel_ug.mtl"
    tunnelHullMaterial = "track/tunnel_hull.mtl"
    catenaryPoleModel = "railroad/power_pole_2.mdl"
    catenaryMultiPoleModel = "railroad/power_pole_1.mdl"
    catenaryMultiGirderModel = "railroad/power_pole_1a.mdl"
    catenaryMultiInnerPoleModel = "railroad/power_pole_1b.mdl"
    bumperModel = "railroad/bumper.mdl"
    switchSignalModel = "railroad/switch_box.mdl"
    fillGroundTex = "ballast_fill_stone"
    borderGroundTex = "ballast"

Cost configuration

Maintenance cost was introduced with patch “Build 13240” on June 21, 2017, and is not active in the vanilla game.

    maintenanceCost = 25.0   -- [$/m/M]
    cost = 80.0              -- [$/m]