Thank-you patch released

Today, we are very happy to express a big thank you by officially releasing the Thank-you patch. Based on player feedback, the patch brings a long list of small improvements and bug fixes. Better track construction tools and new modding options were realized, and we follow up on our promise to let certain trains drive forwards and backwards without flipping at stations. Please see the following video to get an overview of the patch. Please find the complete release notes >here<. As already announced, we have the pleasure to unveil a great new project in 2019. The official announcement date of the new project - which is in the same genre as Transport Fever - will be published on this website. We wish you all the best for the new year and greetings from the whole Urban Games team!
Posted in News.



  1. I must say, this is the most excited I have ever been after a release. My heart jumped a little when I saw adjustable starting heights for building. That one was one of the most infuriating things about the vanilla game. I look forward to playing this game again for many hours. I furthermore wish you all the best with whatever comes next for you and the studio.


  2. ooh, wow. sieht hammer aus. Vor allem die Brückenbau und Tunnelbau funktionen und das Rückwärtsfahren der Züge ist ein hit! DANKE dafür! Freu mich schon auf das nächste Ding, was ihr plant. Gekauft wirds sowieso 🙂

  3. Nice. Thanks for the update. I haven’t played Transport Fever in a while, so these new, smaller quality-of-life updates are definitely welcome.

    As for the new project, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a continuation of your already existing games. Transport Fever was a big step up from Train Fever, so if you can pull off something similar with your next game I’d be all for it. 🙂

  4. Vielen Dank! Kundenorientierung at its best!! Da könnten sich einige grosse Studios ein Beispiel nehmen. Freue mich sehr auf das neue Spiel und das ist eh ein Instantkauf ;).
    Frohes Fest an euer ganzes Team.

  5. Toll wie Uraban Games sein Meisterwerk gepflegt hat und und auf die Wünsche von der Community eingeht.
    Schade dass sich Tom nicht verplappert hat im Bezug auf das laufende oder kommende Projekt.^^

    Danke Urban Games für die toole Unterhaltung durch dieses Spiel.

    Gruß – Cel

  6. OMG…viel zu schnell getippt…schade dass ich meinen Beitrag nicht bearbeiten kann. Shit happens…^^

    Bleibt so Urban Games, tolle Einstellung euren Fans gegenüber.

  7. As long as it is not possible to let trains use multiple rails in a train station, so that the trains will always use the free rail to load cargo and so on. I am not gonnat touch this game any time soon… How hard is it to implement this as selectable future?

  8. Many thanks for this patch and the adding of Dutch language support. TF is a great game and after seeing your trailer of the new patch it is even better. At this moment I am only a poor amateur in playing this game, but i hope to inprove my skills when i have more time for playing. i wish you all good holidays and as healthy 2019. Looking forward tot your new game.

  9. Hallo!
    Das Changelog auf eurer Verkaufsseite bei zeigt als neuesten Patch immer noch den mit der Nummer 12763 vom 05. April 2017 an. Bitte aktualisiert das bei Gelegenheit, ich kanns nämlich nicht erwarten, die neue Version zu spielen. 🙂

    • Danke für die super schnelle Reaktion! Konnte die neue Version heute bei runterladen. Auch das Changelog ist nun da.
      Ich finds prima, dass ihr diese DRM-freie Download-Alternative anbietet und auch mehrere Plattformen unterstützt (Windows, Linux und Mac).

      Wünsche euch viel Erfolg mit dem neuen Projekt! Bin schon gespannt…

  10. Liebes Urban Game Team,
    ich habe mir die Züge mal angesehen, bei Pendelzügen ist es Super wie diese aus einem Sackbahnhof ohne zu wenden wieder raus fahren.
    Schade ist es hier, dass kein Lichtwechsel stattfindet.
    Bei langen Güterzügen ist es gar nicht schön, wenn diese geschoben werden, da dieses total unrealistisch ist.
    Bei jedem Güterzug ein “Schublok” anhängen nur damit eine Lok dran ist, sieht auch nicht so schön aus.
    Vielleicht ist es ja möglich, die Züge so zu konfigurieren, dass nur Züge rückwärts fahren, die beidseitig eine Lok bzw. einen Steuerwagen angehängt haben.
    Ansonsten ist das was ich bis jetzt gesehen haben, Suuuper.
    Vielen Dank

  11. Hallo ,ich danke euch für eure Verbesserungen ,ich liebe das Spiel ,das ist das beste Spiel was ich aus dieser Kategorie kenne . es ist so genial , vielen Dank ……..

  12. I have suggestions for a DLC or for a new transpot fever. The first would be to invest in research for new transport, so that whoever invested more in research, would get new transport faster. The second suggestion is to add competitors on larger maps, options on the stock Market and options to buy the competing company.

  13. “When the debug mode is active, industries can now be bulldozed.” A direct quote from Tom in the video at 1:47 No, you cannnot – when the debug mode is active, the new industries button is activated (which previously needed the mod Industry Tycoon or a manual edit of one of the config files). Game placed industries are just as immovable as ever 🙁

  14. I’m a bit disappointed with the game finding myself figuring out how to trick production and losing my mind over inexplicable stop of it.
    In my current game Europe Mission 4 (STEAM) with developing infrastructure to buy a train and an airline, the plant producing plastic from grain simply stopped registering any grain I’m delivering. It is stuck on 58 while the first two loads were full 100 units of grain each.
    The Coasta Adeje coal mine providing resources to the simply stopped producing!!!!
    The Maspalomas iron mine all of a sudden is now producing only 2 units per year while at its peak (and no other transportation changes) it was producing 78!!!!

    If a player must move a resource out of a production area it should have NO implication on the production if the next destination is final or not – that’s just awful economics. If a transportation manager has to use multiple pit-stops to the the product from point A to point Z, in a real economic environment all it does is increasing the value of the product being transported.

    What you have in here is awful economic implications which ruin the gaming experience.

    I think the developers did the “over-thinking” here with demanding the entire route of the product be setup from the beginning to initiate production.

    Last point. If a manufacturing location produces multiple products like a farm for example (grains and livestock), there should be no line specific allocation of those products. Make is easy and decide between A-first (vehicle) come first serve or B-sign a contract on the production amount (regardless of where it’s going).

    I was really looking forward to this game when I got it for Christmas and now, a week later I’m contemplating asking for my money back.

    • i wondered that sort of things too in the beginning but the answer is simple, it is demand driven, so if the goods are not consumed they stop requiring the basic input so another producewr will not produce either. So they are not producing iron as the steel mill doesnt want any more beyond the initial need. Make sure you ship the steel to a tool facory or goods factory. Make sure the tool factory can ship their produce to towns which is normally the end consumer in every line. Do not deliver more than the city consumes, except for some stockup in their shops or factories or demand will drop again over the complete line including steel, iron, coal or whatever line it is.

      Dont ship more then they need, find another taker for the good and keep in mind that people want to travel to other cities because they can shop there what they cant buy in their own town or there is work there which they can not find in their own city.

  15. I am very eager to find out what the next installment is going to be. Transport fever is such a good game ( although it has a really weird economic system :P) .

  16. USA building types set to Europe style after Thank you patch

    After generating random USA map, all buildings remain european style instead of USA. No mods installed. Probably issue caused by the patch.

    I tried all of the settings, EU, USA, custom and buildings remain the same style. There used to be typical US buildings.

    Reinstalling didnt help. Also large US street in 1850 is not like dirt but looks like european. Other assets i didint check. So the game is now broken and devs please fix it.

  17. This is an excellent housekeeping patch! The game was already super fun in my opinion, but things like being able to adjust the starting positions of roads and track will make building bridges so much easier. Thank you!

  18. Hallo,
    ich würde mich freuen, wenn man beim nächsten Projekt die alte Anlage mit nehmen kann.
    Wenn das nicht möglich ist, werde ich nicht noch einmal eine Anlage bauen.
    Klaus Tepfer

  19. Hello, I have the latest patch, I started a new game from 1870 and i cannot delete the industries. Is there a certain year at which deleting industries is gonna be available?

  20. Please bear in mind that you guys build a great foundation, but the mods make the game truly awesome! Maybe you can find a way that past mods keep working in a new updated game. Thanks for making Transport Tycoon 2.0 !!!

  21. Immer noch nix neues… Wozu habt ihr eigentlich einen Community Manager? Die vier Verkündungen im Jahr könnte wahrscheinlich auch der Pizzabote noch nebenbei mit erledigen.

  22. Hey!
    I obviously don’t know if your next game is exactly Transport Fever 2, or an actual transport management game.
    But assuming so, i would also like to mention competitors as a big thing i would love. I loved this in CSs Locomotion although it was not a quite perfect system.

    So, in the shower last night i thought out some vague ideas for how a similar system could work for TF.
    Firstly, by competitors i mean either AI, Humans in MP, or both. The ultimate fun i would have, would be playing multiplayer competitively against friends in a game like this.
    So to win or do the best there would be a goal to complete in the shortest time, a basic goal would be to build the most profitable company in a 100 years.
    It would probably be the most fun, if you played on the same map in real time.
    Also i would like to see a real world inspired system involving deals/contracts you can make with factories, other companies or cities. About what services you have full rights of transportation for, different types of cooperation(this in multi company games especially) etc. So you will have to gain the resources to offer the best contracts.
    More details i feel is a waste to write here, if anyone is interested, go ahead and contact me.

    • I think the OTTD goal servers offer a really good example of competitive multiplayer in this game genre. City building could be implemented in Transport Fever in very similar ways:

      You claim a small city, the game blocks an area of land around it, so people can’t block you. Then you have to deliver goods and people to the city in order to grow it. If a city reaches size X the player wins and gets points. If 3 hours are over and noboby reached X, biggest city wins. You can do this with leaderboards, etc…

      I really hope the next game will have something like that implemented.

  23. 我很期待你们的新作,我认为那就是狂热运输2,虽然目前的游戏已经让我的CPU有点不堪重负,尤其是游戏后期。不过无论如何,我喜欢这个游戏,为了能早点玩到,哪怕是抢先体验,我也会立刻购买!顺带一提,我想要更多的火车~!!

  24. Eine Multiplayer Variante wäre der Hammer. Ich glaube das Potential davon wird von den Firmen in diesem Genre stark unterschätzt. Da brauchts zu beginn nichtmal viele Features. Getrenntes Konto und getrennte Züge das reicht. 🙂

    Wir haben in Transport Fever sogar begonnen auf gleichen Karten getrennt zu spielen um anschließen unsere Statistiken zu vergleichen.

  25. I like the helpful info you provide in your articles.
    I’ll bookmark your blog and check again here frequently.
    I am quite certain I’ll learn a lot of new stuff right here!

    Best of luck for the next!

  26. I just purchased Transport Fever, and I find that it is full of bugs and is really not what could be described as of serviceable quality. Have I just got a bum copy or does the game really need updates, patches, de-bugging etc’; and if so how do I get hold of such items?. It really is disappointing considering it cost E30.
    Some vehicles seem to have a mind of their own and don’t respond to commands.
    Trains suddenly stop (after running quite happily for some time), and the message ‘waiting for clear path’ appears. Nothing seems to move them except reworking the track plan.
    Nothing works properly (dialogue boxes, constructions etc.,) on about 25% of the (right hand side) of the screen.
    Given that this game has been around for several years, it is both surprising and disappointing. I bought it as an in sight into TF2, and can only say that I wouldn’t buy it based on the performance of TF1.
    You now have my comment. I look forward to receiving yours.
    Ibrahim Leadley

  27. Seid dem Patch gestern kann ich das Spiel, egal in welcher Kombination, nicht mehr starten. Es stürzt während des Ladevorgangs ab. Das Problem scheinen auch viele andere Spieler zu haben und wird in der Diskussion bei Steam eingehend beschrieben.
    Deswegen wundere ich mich, dass das hier nicht erwähnt wird. Wie kann ich den Abstürzen entgegentreten?

  28. After so many years, developers still haven’t realized that there is night and day on this planet, and workers? where are they and where do they get their education? Are there no children here? And the vehicles, where do they get their fuel? or how do I transport electricity? A planet without accidents and disasters is a wishful thinking scenario in the same way that there is never night. You once answered me that it is up to them to create mods to make this happen, but the basics must also be in the game. There is another game that has taken these things into account that I request time and time again from you, but it is so old and the graphics are poor compared to yours. But it hits you on the most fundamental aspects of transport. all vehicles need fuel and buildings need energy, people need children, education and work in addition to food and entertainment. An old game can do it, but not you?

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