FAQ page updated

We are very happy to see the growing interest in Transport Fever.

Today >the FAQ page< was updated to answer some of the new question which were asked on the website and across the social media channels. Among others, the answers address topics like track and street construction.

The FAQ page will be updated during the development of the game, so we would like to invite you to furthermore send us questions, feedback and suggestions!

Currently, we are working on a next development blog which will soon be published here.

Posted in News.



  1. The transport fever will gona have trainstations with vehicle stops merged? for example, a Truck can take goods in the Cargo Train station and delivery at point two? Very Thanks.

    • Height maps have already been implemented in Train Fever. Although it is not particularly easy, it can be done! And given that fact, I’m sure that it will be much easier to import said maps.

      • I’ve used that feature in Train Fever to import very nice maps, but it’s far from easy: if the game fails to connect all towns, it doesn’t work and that’s difficult with seas, islands, high mountains… Besides, one can’t build (or even better import) rivers, towns are placed and given names by the program, industries can’t be created at suitable locations, etc.

  2. >>Q: Can trains drive forwards and backwards?

    Wait it seems I miss something, but trains will not flip on stations? So we’ll need to unhook loco from train and hitch it to back end for turn around?

    • They did mention that elevated stations would be possible, but I’m not sure about underground. If the devs don’t get around to it, maybe the modding community will jump on it.

  3. This looks very promising! There are several improvement I wish for:
    – Ability to easily build crossover bridges and underpasses, both for road, rail and tram.
    – Industry sidings with freight cars destined for that industry getting shunted to the appropriate spur
    – Marshalling yards
    – Functioning turntables for steam locomotives
    – Dividing running cost into fuel, personnel and periodic maintenance
    – Railroad and road transport employees should be part of the population
    – Define train schedules like in real life, and display graphical schedule for routes
    – Different ticket prices for different classes on passenger train, so it makes sense to have separate first, second etc. class cars

    • Although I do like your wishes, any of the shunting or marshalling yard functions may take up too many computer resources, especially for older systems with low RAM. Your wishes are more suited for an actual simulation game rather than a sandbox, strategy like these series. I believe they need to focus on more performance improvements, city growth, and more realistic timetables, especially for passenger transport. But those suggestions of mine are very broad and can be explained in many different ways.

      • I don’t think that tis things belong only to simuators. Would be good in this sandbox strategie as well and very wellcome.
        It is not a good feature for a new game to save recources for low performed computers. Mostly the machines are upper calss and if not the prices are falling so everybody has the chance to get a adequate computer. leaving out features in the game because of fix to low performance old computers will disapiont everybody .Very good games can switch on/off thoise things and mostly the gamer invest in a new system if tehre is a reason.

  4. Zwei Sachen wären sehr wichtig für ein stressfreieres Spielen:
    1. Automatische Abstände zwischen Fahrzeugen einer Linie. Es scheint ja in TrainFever schon soetwas zu geben, manchmal sieht man das ja, dass der Zug/Bus etwas länger an der Haltestelle steht, weil der Vordermann noch recht nah ist. Allerdings ist das aktuell weit entfernt davon, dafür zu sorgen, wirklich einigermaßen gleichmäßige Abstände zwischen den einzelnen Fahrzeugen einer Linie zu schaffen (einer Art Takt). Anstatt das manuell machen zu müssen, wäre es toll, wenn das Spiel dafür sorgt.

    2. Leichteres löschen von größeren Schienen-/Straßenflächen. Wer schon einmal einen 20-gleisigen Rangierbahnhof mit vielen Weichen gelöscht hat, weiß, wovon ich spreche. Das ist eine mühsame Kleinarbeit von mehreren Minuten. Wir sehr würde man sich hier die Löschwerkzeuge von Transport Tycoon wünschen, mit denen man einfach eine bestimmte Fläche dem Erdboden gleichmachen konnte, ohne Rücksicht darauf, ob sich dort nun Gleise, Straßen, Häuser oder was auch immer befand.

    Plant ihr, diesen Problemen abhilfe zu verschaffen?

    Das wäre toll!

  5. One of the more important issues in Train Fever: static line paths. Are they now dynamic in Transport Fever? And if not, can we at least choose which platform the line goes to?

  6. Ich sitze gerade im ICE und schaue nach draußen, was mich zu folgenden Fragestellungen bringt:
    – Die Landschaft in Train Fever war ziemlich eintönig, einem Zug längere Zeit während der Fahrt zuzuschauen, dann entsprechend abwechslungsarm. Plant ihr hier eine Verbesserung im Sinne von mehr verschiedenen Untergründen, zufällig platzierten Assets wie Türmen, Zäunen, blühenden, verschiedenfarbigen Bäumen und Sträuchern, Strommasten, einzelnen Häusern und Hütten …
    – Verschiedene Passagier- und Zugprofile. Sowas wie ein ICE hat eine andere Zielgruppe als eine Regionalbahn, auch wenn sie die selbe Strecke fahren. Entsprechend wäre die ICE-Fahrt auch teurer. Oder man hängt Wagen der 1. Klasse an Züge, die eine bestimmte Passagiergruppe anziehen.

    Außerdem wäre ein tolles Feature:
    Die Möglichkeit, Züge manuell auch selbst fahren zu lassen. Nicht sonderlich komplex, einfach nur Gas geben (bis zur maximal möglichen Geschwindigkeit) oder bremsen.

  7. For me a very important thing would be :

    All industries need human resources. No workes no production.
    I gess not complicate but a huge game feature …. no?

  8. I have one question.. Well more like a couple questions.
    1. Although it did mention the aging of the locomotives overtime, but does it apply to train carriages as well?
    2. What would the capacity in the train carriages be like? In Train Fever, it wasn’t much, like around 20 or so. Will it be more room or less?
    3. Also, is it possible to add special cars like a dining car or even a sleeper? It would add realism to the game and additional income for passenger trains.

    I know that it’s a big order, but I’m just very curious about it. Thanks for the help in advance Urban Games.

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