Transport Fever officially released

Both the Gambitious Digital Entertainment and the Urban Games team are super happy that today Transport Fever was officially released!

Here is the official launch trailer:

As stated earlier, the 15% loyalty discount for owner of the predecessor game Train Fever will be available for one more month, until December 8.

If you encounter any launch issues, please visit >the official support forum<; we’ll give our best to help. Be assured we also improve Transport Fever after release.

We hope that you like Transport Fever and look forward to your feedback!

Transport Fever ready to leave the depot

With only six days left until release, both the Urban Games and the Gambitious Digital Entertainment team are incredibility happy that Transport Fever will be officially available very soon.

These days we at Urban Games are very busy with putting the finishing touches to the game and preparing everything to ensure a smooth release. A lot of effort has been put into polishing the game; anyway, we take the opportunity to let you know that we’ll give our best to also support and improve Transport Fever after release.

The whole Urban Games team is blessed by the positive reception Transport Fever received on YouTube and Twitch, and therefore we decided to spotlight two of the numerous great YouTube contributions at this point:

Finally, we wanted to tell you that the 10% discount for >pre-order< will be available until November 8, and the 15% loyalty discount will be available until December 8.

Thanks very much for your interest in Transport Fever, and best wishes from the whole Urban Games team! And don’t be scared if after 30 website updates on Wednesdays the next update will be on a Tuesday 😉

Transport Fever reaches review state

After two years of development, we are excited that today Transport Fever reaches the review state.

As of today, members of the press are testing the game. While reviews that include ratings will be published starting on November 8, content producers such as YouTubers are allowed to publish Transport Fever game-play already starting this Friday, October 28, 6 PM (CET). Therefore, expect a huge amount of unrestricted content to be available after that date.

Two weeks before the release we are confident that we were able to fulfil a big part of all the wishes, requests and suggestions that were raised over the last two years. We wanted to take the opportunity to express a big thanks to everyone involved in this process. Without the feedback and criticism that arrives us every day, Transport Fever would not be where it is now.

And finally, if you haven’t discovered it yet, we wanted to point you to the following release date music video, to be taken with a pinch of salt 😉

The whole team looks forward to the final two weeks and hopes that the fever catches you!