Closed beta test application

We value the feedback from the community very much! To allow for a closer look on the state of the game prior to release, we will carry out a closed beta test. This will not only help us to eliminate bugs but also to improve the overall game experience. We would like to invite everybody who is interested in participating to fill out the application form. Prerequisites are a Steam account and the willingness to report about the experience with the test version on a regular basis. As we expect more applications than we can handle for organizational reasons, we hope for your understanding that we cannot accept everybody. The form for the application can be found here. The application is open until July 17 2016, and the beta test is currently scheduled to start in August.
Posted in News.



  1. Train Fever war nicht schlecht ließ aber viel Potential liegen. Ich würde mich freuen mit meinem Feedback helfen zu können Transport Fever besser zu machen 🙂

  2. I’ve been sold on train fever. I bought too replace other train games that I was having trouble using because 12 years ago I’d suffer a brain injury which left me with paralysis down the left side of body. Because i was able to play with just one hand, rather two hands like holding a key and manipulating the keyboard simultaneously I got over 4000 hour of enjoyment plus getting through to 2030 several times debt free help me retrain the cognitive area of my brain. The best part has been having to apply logic/ the one thing i refuse to use is the no cost as it takes away fro the game I feel, I’d really love to be part of a beta thanks. My wife and son are intending buying the release as soon it is available for my birthday, but being part of a beta test would greatly appreciated

    • Nein, denn man bewegt sich während der Beta im Bereich der NDA (non-disclosure agreement) zu deutsch Verschwiegenheitsvereinbarung.
      Das heißt, erst wenn Urban Games explizit diese NDA aufheben würde dürfen Bilder Videos usw veröffentlicht werden.
      Streng genommen darf man nicht mal mit seiner Besseren Hälfte drüber sprechen 😉

  3. Loving the look of this game, come a long way since TrainFever and a firm that really listens to the community – Can’t wait to try my new 1080 on this beast of a game.

  4. Regardless if i get into the beta or not, i am really looking forward to transport fever, more so than big AAA games. Good work Urban Games on the progress made since train fever.

  5. I’m really looking forward to this. I expect that I’m not the only person that would be happy to go Early Access on this release just based on what we saw with Train Fever.

    Registered for Beta, just waiting for the confirmation email now.

  6. hallo
    wann (ungefaire angabe würde mir schon reichen ich kanns kaum noch aushalten will das game endlich zocken:) ) werden wir benachrichtigt wer für die beta ausgewählt wurde?

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